The Sixth Age


The First Four Ages
Apocalypse-the Fifth Age
Out of the Ashes...the Golden Age
A new breed of mankind...the Aberrants
Consensual Reality
Arcadia and other alien cultures
Movers and Shakers: pre-collapse
Movers and Shakers: children of the collapse
Movers and Shakers: post-collapse
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Out of the Ashes...the Golden Age

New regimes. New Messiahs. Gods now walk the earth. Exposed monsters sulk in shadows drinking synthetic vitae, those that can adapt find new opportunities in the limelight. A struggle for three primal weapons erupts in the shadows. And a synthetic god comes back from the future to save us from doom, whether we wish it or not.

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part one: Reconstruction

The first ten years after the collapse were probably more nightmarish than the collapse itself. All the communication systems were down for the first few years, the Wyld emanations from China even interfering with magical means. All over the world, the awakened do what they can. Some actively persue it, but most end up in a position of power by virtue of human nature.
During the last years of the war, warrior brotherhoods calling themselves the Left Hand of God appeared. Holy warriors, convinced they have heard the call of a prophet- pledged to rid Gaia of the blight.
This is their time. They brave the outlands. They hunt the monsters. They join Maceckny's Free Legion and pay a heavy price destroying the last of the antideluvians. They drift from city to city, bringing hope to those who need it.
Things eventually settle. America alone has split into nine different nations.In most of these, it is an advantage to be a "meta-human." In fact it is hardly surprising that most of the worlds leaders are these wonders. The protection these beings offer, coupled with a feeling that bureacratic democracy had failed, led to a semi-dictorial line of government in many areas. Once trade from Arcadia began rolling in, most of the world settled on a varient of the corporate feudalism used by the Arcadian Lansraad. But there have also been a few succesful neo-socialist governments.
There were some nations that did not embrace these "others" so easily. The Coalition of States and the Islamic League are among those have persecuted the unholy.


By clicking this map, you can check out maps of the nations of 2016 and 2040. There not all there yet, and will later be replaced with cleaner versions.


